This is a developer preview of the Move Registry. It is experimental and therefore provides no guarantees of uptime or correctness. Use at your own risk.

Managing MVR names (Mainnet only)


These examples assume that you use the MVR plugin for the Sui Typescript SDK, as described in the Typescript SDK section.

Creating a new application

To create a new application, you must provide a SuiNS name and a package name, as long as it is not already registered.

const transaction = new Transaction();
const appCap = transaction.moveCall({
    target: `@mvr/core::move_registry::register`,
    arguments: [
        // the registry obj: Can also be resolved as `registry-obj@mvr` from mainnet SuiNS.
// we can then use the appCap to attach packages directly, or transfer (e.g. to a safe address)
// and register packages later.

Setting application metadata

Metadata is strongly recommended for any application. Provide the appCap along with a key-value pair. Key can be description, icon_url, documentation_url, homepage_url, or contact.

const transaction = new Transaction();
    target: `@mvr/core::move_registry::set_metadata`,
    arguments: [
        // the registry obj: Can also be resolved as `registry-obj@mvr` from Mainnet SuiNS.
        transaction.object('0x0e5d473a055b6b7d014af557a13ad9075157fdc19b6d51562a18511afd397727'), // Move registry
        transaction.pure.string("description"), // key
        transaction.pure.string("<Description for the application>"), // value

Attaching a Mainnet package to an application

When attaching a Mainnet package to an application, you must provide the PackageInfo object. This call is permanent, so after a PackageInfo object is attached to an application, it cannot be detached in the future. Consequently, an app is always linked to a specific package.

// we can then use the appCap to attach packages directly, or transfer (e.g. to a safe address)
// and register packages later.
const transaction = new Transaction();
    target: `@mvr/core::move_registry::assign_package`,
    arguments: [
        // the registry obj: Can also be resolved as `registry-obj@mvr` from mainnet SuiNS.
        transaction.object('<The AppCap object>'),
        transaction.object('<The PackageInfo object on mainnet>'),

Attaching a non-Mainnet package to an application

For non-Mainnet networks, you only attach a "pointer" to the package, instead of strict binding (which wouldn't be possible).


You can always update an external network by first calling @mvr/core::move_registry::unset_network, and then calling @mvr/core::move_registry::set_network again.

const transaction = new Transaction();
const appInfo = transaction.moveCall({
    target: `@mvr/core::app_info::new`,
    arguments: [
        transaction.pure.option("address", '<The objectId of the `PackageInfo` object on the external network>'),
        transaction.pure.option("address", '<The address of the package on the external network>'),
        transaction.pure.option("address", null),
    target: `@mvr/core::move_registry::set_network`,
    arguments: [
        // the registry obj: Can also be resolved as `registry-obj@mvr` from mainnet SuiNS.
        transaction.object('<The AppCap object>'),
        transaction.pure.string("<chain id of the network: use `4c78adac` for testnet>"),