Register Names

Register Names

To enjoy the benefits of SuiNS, you must first register names. When you register available names, you purchase the rights to those names for one year. After registration, you can renew your names for multiple years.

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To register a name:

  1. Go to the SuiNS site (opens in a new tab) and tap or click the name search bar to open the SuiNS search dialog. This search bar is available at the top of the site when navigating the dashboard. Name search
  2. Type a name of interest in the search field between 3 and 63 characters, inclusive. Press Enter or tap/click the magnifying glass icon to initiate the search. Search results show whether the name is available and the price in SUI for one year of registration.
  3. Tap or click a name to open the Register Name dialog. Register name
  4. Tap or click the Set as Default toggle to identify whether the name should be default for the address, apply a coupon code if you have one, then tap or click Register name.
  5. Approve the transaction using your connected wallet. If registration is successful, SuiNS opens the Names page of the dashboard. The new name appears in the list. If there's an error, fix the issue SuiNS raises and try again.