This is a developer preview of the Move Registry. It is experimental and therefore provides no guarantees of uptime or correctness. Use at your own risk.


Use the MVR CLI to manage your package dependencies and to interact with the Move Registry (MVR). The MVR CLI is a command line tool that enables:

  • Adding dependencies to your Move project.
  • Building your Move project with MVR dependencies.


There are several ways to install the MVR CLI tool.


Use the following command to install using Cargo:

cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/mystenlabs/mvr --branch release mvr

From binaries

Download the correct binary file for your OS and architecture from the MVR GitHub release page (opens in a new tab):

After downloading the file, rename the binary to mvr and add its location to your system PATH variable.

  1. Open your .zshrc file. This file is typically located at ~/.zshrc in MacOS. If it doesn't exist, create it.
    $ nano ~/.zshrc
  2. Update or add the following export PATH command. Be sure to change /path/to/your/folder to match your folder path. Separate all paths using a colon, if necessary.
    export PATH="/path/to/your/folder:$PATH"
  3. Save the file and use the source command to apply changes.
    $ source ~/.zshrc

From source

To install from source:

  1. Clone the mvr repository.
    git clone https://github.com/mystenlabs/mvr.git
  2. Open a console or terminal to the mvr/mvr-cli directory of the repository.
    cd mvr/mvr-cli && 
  3. Use cargo to install from current directory.
    cargo install --path .

After completing your install from one of the above methods, use a terminal or console to verify installation by typing mvr --help and pressing Enter. If your operating system does not recognize the command, then retry the installation steps.

Adding dependencies

To add a dependency to your Move code, use the mvr add command. This command adds the dependency to your Move.toml file.

mvr add <package_name> --network <mainnet|testnet>

MVR adds a new entry to your Move.toml file. The following shows an example of the information that MVR adds.

app = { r.mvr = "@mvr/app" }
network = "mainnet"

Building against MVR dependencies

Use sui move build as usual when building Move packages. The command automatically invokes MVR CLI to resolve dependencies and build your project.

sui move build