Link Addresses

Linked Address

You can change the address that your SuiNS name resolves to. The original address that registered the SuiNS name retains control over its configuration, but the name points to the address you provide.

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Tell me how

To link an address to your SuiNS name:

  1. Tap or click the Connect Wallet button in the upper right.

    Connect button If your wallet is already connected, your address or SuiNS name appears here instead.

  2. Follow the prompts to connect your Sui or Stashed Wallet, if not already connected.

  3. After connecting, the Connect Wallet button displays your address (or connected SuiNS default name). Tap or click the button to open the account dialog. Dialog

  4. Tap or click the View names you own button in the dialog. The Names view opens with a list of names associated with the connected account.

  5. Hover your cursor over or tap the icon for the name you want to change and click the ellipses (...) that appears in the upper-right corner to open the context menu for the name.

  6. Select Link To Wallet Address from the menu to open the Set Linked Address dialog.

  7. Type in the new address the name should resolve to in the Enter Target Address field. By default, the linked address is the address that registered the name. SuiNS warns you if you enter an address that has no on-chain transactions.

    • If you previously changed the linked address, the dialog notifies you and displays a Set your address link to quickly set the address back to the one that registered the name.
  8. Tap or click Apply. Alternatively, click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes. Set linked name

  9. Approve the transaction using your connected wallet. The address the name points to is updated, but the address that registered the name retains control of the SuiNS name and the SuiNS NFT remains in the wallet of the registered address, as well.